Monday, December 19, 2011

Puppies in the New Year

Brighthope looks forward to a new litter of puppies in early January.Looks like the Christmas tree and tinsel will be replaced with a whelping box and weigh scale.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011


The 2012 Blue Picardy Calendars are now ready for shipping!

This is a beautiful calendar, full colour, 11"x14" wiro bound and hole punched at the top for easy hanging.
The calendar showcases a number of our blues across the country, from owners that sent in pictures for our BPS Contest. Because of the page design we were able to fit everyone who participated in the calendar, some even more than once! Thank you Everyone!

Calendars are $20CDN which includes regular mail shipping within Canada.

Number of calendars

For Calendars going to the States or overseas, please contact us for shipping rates