Wednesday, June 25, 2014


A few years ago the Canadian Kennel Club added a new class to their conformation shows. It is for puppies 3 months to 6 months old. What would you call this class...Baby Puppy Class of course. It is a good way for the babies to get some ring experience and they get to hang out with the big guys. And that is exactly what Stanley did this past Sunday. While he waited for his turn in the ring, he took a real shine to a little miniature Dachshund and they played and played. Sorry, but Stanley's human forgot to take the camera so you will have to take my word for it that they had lots of fun. By the end of the day little Stanley was one tired puppy. The ride home was over 2 hours and we never heard "a word" from him.

This picture was taken today after Stanley had a few days rest.

Monday, June 09, 2014


We are still under water here at Brighthope, so I made the right decision to cancel the picnic. So instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself we headed out for a few days of camping. The Brighthope Blues certainly must like camping because they are always so well behaved.


Taking pictures of dogs is a lot like children........there is always one in the group not cooperating, in this case it was Stanley. Oh well, puppies are puppies are puppies!!!